Promise of Another Day

How The Strategy Works

Throughout the year, Baker County has worked directly with facilitators and trainers skilled in implementing this Comprehensive Strategy, to answer the following questions:

  • In our community, how prevalent are the risk factors which lead to delinquency and violence?
  • What is being done to address these risks?
  • Is needed intervention available, timely and effective?
  • As a community, how do we make decisions about services for youth?
  • How do our community systems interact?
  • How can these systems best support one another, our youth and families?
  • How are we addressing our most serious youth offenders?
  • Where are our gaps in programs and services?
  • What more needs to be done?

Working with the Comprehensive Strategy trainers, Baker County will strengthen collaboration, build upon current plans and programs, and develop a truly comprehensive prioritized strategic plan to reduce juvenile violence and delinquency.

Who Is Involved

For a strategic plan to be successfully developed and implemented, all facets of the community must play a role in The Comprehensive Strategy. Participation by individuals and groups from all areas of Baker County, with interest and knowledge in the areas of prevention, intervention and sanctions are vital to successful planning. Community stakeholders: parents, youth, educators, business leaders, law enforcement, government officials, civic organizations, social service providers, media and health professionals, have joined together to share knowledge and concerns and are working together to improve the lives of our children.

If you are not yet involved, but would like to be, or would like further information please contact:

Mark Boothby
Baker County Juvenile Department
(541) 523-8215,
Elizabeth Estabrooks
Working Partners
3415 Carter St., Baker City, OR 97814,

As a Comprehensive Strategy volunteer, community members have become members of The Community Planning Team. This team was comprised of six Work Groups. Community members served on the Work Groups that best fit their interests and background.